Today bleeds into our longest night,
much to the murdering crows’ delight.
specks of darkness on swishing wings
they announce the fact with their squabblings.
Emmisaries in jet black cowls,
companions to the hooting owls.
“Beware,” they gabble. “Take Fright! Take Fright!
Your time approaches, Take Flight! Take Flight!”
Oh! How I love this gathering flock
that portends what I am, and what I am not
Like puzzle pieces scrabbling thin air,
they congregate in raucus pairs,
stark ormanemts in naked trees
that jangle wonted harmonies.
“Beware,” they gabble. “Take Fright! Take Fright!
Your time approaches, Take Flight! Take Flight!”
T’is the season of madness and awful deeds,
of blathering speeches and insane creeds.
Of fascist swarmings in angry minds,
fanatical theories, and brutal designs,
of demons belching half-baked ‘facts’
and believers poised for bloody acts.
“Beware,” they gabble. “Take Fright! Take Fright!
Your time approaches, Take Flight! Take Flight!”
I am grateful for this ominous breed
flocked in the branches of my blasted tree…
Crows, the harbingers a future tense
that lacks all kindness, all humane sense.
They are puzzled pieces of a darkening despair,
black fabric rustling in our benighted air.
“Beware, they gabble, “Take Fright! Take Fright!
The time is come for your longest night!”