Dance, Feast, Laugh, Share
Hope, Dream, Sing, Dare…
Celebrate your dreams come true,
and the other selves that become you,
and the future self that must evolve,
because all is said, but all’s not solved.
Leap, Kick, Twist, Twirl,
Shout, Hoot, Whoop, Skirl…
Value life in all its stations,
in every form and permutation:
energy, matter, and spirit fused
in the conscious, willing, being you.
Marvel, Wonder, Seek, Explore,
Ponder, Question, Learn, Adore…
The everything we can define,
but never grasp in finite mind;
Our certainties forever framed—
Omniscience? It can’t be named.
Rally, Struggle, Persevere
Turn and face the things you fear
for they obscure what we hold dear…
Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!