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There have never been so many modes of creating, producing, and sharing stories as there are in this digital era. Books Unbound embraces three approaches that will make it easier and more affordable for authors and poets to get their material ‘out there’.
Expand the notion of a book
‘A collection of pages bound between hard or soft covers’ is still by far the most popular mode of sharing literature. eBooks have earned a portion of that audience. Audiobooks are a popular format, too. But what about books as websites? How about excerpts from books that are complete stories in and of themselves, which can be produced as chapbooks that generate revenues while promoting the larger edition? Or books as ‘QR gift cards’, linked to an online edition of your story? There are many ways of sharing literature; let’s explore every possibility.
Work with clients, not for them
The digital era has made it possible for anyone to carry out almost any of the tasks required to produce a book. But very few of us have mastered all the skills needed to get a story from inception, through research and writing, editing and proofing, book design and production, then on to distribution, promotion, and sales. Book production can be a collaborative process in the 21st century. What skills and talents can you bring to the collective table? Are there techniques you would like to learn?
Offer affordable literary services
All of the skills and services required for self-publishing are available through ‘self-publishing’ companies. But their complete packages are often unaffordable, requiring complex contracts and volume purchases. Books Unbound looks for affordable modes of production, publishing, and sharing literature. The objective is to get your story into the minds and hearts of readers at a price and in formats that work.