Since December, 2019, I have been writing and publishing The Mural Gazer, a Direct-To-Web novel set in Chemainus B.C. I’ve posted 63 episodes to-date, and have 17 more to go. My best guess is I’ll be finished the ‘first draft’ of my online edition by the spring of 2022.
It’s been an amazing experience, and I’m emerging from it more convinced than ever that Direct-to-Web books have a place in our writing and publishing mix. But I know I’ll go about it differently when I launch my next title, and that a conversation about D2W with follow writers and publishers would prove invaluable.
So in the coming months I am going to review what’s been done, why and how, inviting people to join me in a critique of The Mural Gazer, not only as a literary work, but as a mode of writing, publishing and distributing ‘books’. Questions I’d like to address include:
- Why is literature more important that ever in the 21st Century?
- Why should it be necessary to expand the definition of a ‘book’ in the digital era to include D2W?
- What are the features and benefits of Direct-to-Web writing and publishing?
- What are the obstacles to books as websites?
- What steps can be taken to overcome those obstacles?
- How will writers and publishers incorporate D2W into their creative and business processes?
- How do writers and publishers derive income through Direct-to-Web releases?
I’m not used to thinking in these terms; I’m more of a hands-on type. But if Direct-to-Web is to be viewed as something more than a gimmick (and I think it has to be), questions like these must be answered. I hope you’ll join in the conversation. Please subscribe to my email list if you want to receive updates and notifications.
Craig Spence